SUGAPA 7(4) [2013]

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Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 7 (4) April-Juni 2013

1. Henk van Mastrigt & Mike Wild
The environment of Mokndoma and its Delias (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract: The results of collecting at Mokndoma and nearby areas are presented, focusing on the genus Delias and including deseription ofthe hitherto unknown female of D. cyclosticha and a form of D. phippsi mulia. Besides that, a general description is presented of the area of the Wano people with an impression of the entomologie fauna, completed with a few maps and some pictures of butterflies .
Rangkuman: Hasil penelitian di Mokndoma dan sekitarnya disajikan, yang terfokus pada genus Delias, termasuk deskripsi betina D. cyclosticha yang sampai sekarang belum diketahui, dan suatu bentuk D. phippsi mulia. Di samping itu gambaran umum wilayah orang Wano disajikan termasuk suatu kesan fauna serangga, dilengkapi dengan beberapa peta dan gambar-gambar kupu-kupu.
Key-words: Delias phippsi mulia, Delias cyclosticha, Indonesia, Papua.
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Henk van Mastrigt & Mike Wild – Mokndoma SUGAPA 7(4) [2013]

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