Current Volume 15(2) January 2024

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Suara Serangga Papua , 15(2) January 2024

1.Daawia, Erlani Febrida Rahareng, Euniche Ramandey, Gison Morib, Heron Yando, Rob de Vos, Siep Sinnema, Jannie Sinnema-Bloemen, Mónica Guimarães Cruz, Piet Zumkehr & Peter Jan de Vries
A faunistic overview of the moth species recorded from Yapen Island, Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera)

Abstract: In September 2023 an Entomological Survey was held on the Island of Yapen, Papua, Indonesia. An inventory of the moth fauna was made in two weeks. A total of 364 species could be identified from photographs which were made during the survey. Until now 481 moth species are known from Yapen Island. A complete checklist is presented (table 1),  and the fifteen most common and sixteen rare species are listed separately. The seven most common and ten most rare species are being discussed and depicted.
Rangkuman: Pada bulan September 2023 dilakukan survey serangga di Pulau Yapen, Papua, Indonesia. Dilakukan Inventarisasi ngengat selama dua minggu. Ditemukan 364 spesies ngengat yang diidentifikasi berdasarkan foto yang dibuat selama survey. Hingga saat ini ditemukan 481 spesies ngengat yang diketahui berasal dari Yapen. Daftar lengkap spesies ditunjukan pada table 1. disertai dengan 15 spesies yang paling umum dan 16 spesies yang paling jarang ditemukan yang dibuat dalam daftar yang terpisah.  Tujuh spesies yang paling umum dan 10 spesies yang paling jarang ditemukan dideskrpsi dan dibahas.
Keywords: New Guinea, rare species, photographs, inventory, checklist

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2.Rob de Vos
Redesignation of types of six species, described from the PIF expedition to Lake Habbema in 2018 (Lepidoptera)

Abstract: 31 type specimens of six Lepidoptera species are being redesignated from RMNH to KSP collection: Spilosoma renateae De Vos, 2020 (Erebidae, Arctiinae), Oeonosia lorentz De Vos, 2020 (Erebidae, Arctiinae), Cyana (Cryptanaema) habbema De Vos, 2020 (Erebidae, Arctiinae), Thyatira papuana Ronkay et al, 2021 (Drepanidae, Thyatirinae), Blavipelosia habbemaensis De Vos, 2022 (Erebidae, Arctiinae) and Agrotis (Papuagrotis) habbemae Vink & Zilli, 2022 (Noctuidae, Noctuinae). A complete list of the specimens, species, types and references is presented.
Rangkuman: 31 type spesimen dari enam spesies Lepidoptera ditunjuk kembali dari koleksi RMNH ke KSP yaitu: Spilosoma renateae De Vos, 2020 (Erebidae, Arctiinae), Oeonosia lorentz De Vos, 2020 (Erebidae, Arctiinae), Cyana (Cryptanaema) habbema De Vos, 2020 (Erebidae, Arctiinae), Thyatira papuana Ronkay et al, 2021 (Drepanidae, Thyatirinae), Blavipelosia habbemaensis De Vos, 2022 (Erebidae, Arctiinae) dan Agrotis (Papuagrotis) habbemae Vink & Zilli, 2022 (Noctuidae, Noctuinae). Disertai daftar lengkap spesimen, spesies, type, dan referensinya.
Keywords: Renumbering, RMNH.INS, KSP-PIF, Papua, New Guinea

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Volume 15(1) March 2023

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Suara Serangga Papua , 15(1) March 2023

1.Anne M. Overduin-De Vries & Willemijn M. van Dijk
Naturalis Biodiversity Center visits MZB and UNCEN in Indonesia

Abstract: From 20th May until 15th June 2022, two butterfly collections in Indonesia were visited in the context of the Malesian butterfly project at Naturalis Biodiversity centre. Specimens of both collections were photographed. The pictures will contribute to the digitalisation of both Indonesian collections and will help identify specimens at Naturalis.
Rangkuman: Dari tanggal 20 Mei hingga 15 Juni 2022, dua koleksi kupu-kupu di Indonesia dikunjungi dalam rangka proyek kupu-kupu Malesian di pusat Keanekaragaman Hayati Naturalis. Spesimen dari kedua koleksi difoto. Gambar-gambar tersebut akan berkontribusi pada digitalisasi kedua koleksi Indonesia dan akan membantu mengidentifikasi spesimen di Naturalis.
Keywords: Malesian butterfly project, Rhopalocera, Lepidoptera, New Guinea, Papua.

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2.Rob de Vos & Alberto Zilli
The “plain underwing” Lambula species from New Guinea with ten new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)

Abstract: The Lambula species from New Guinea with plain coloured hindwings are treated. The already known species are redescribed or reviewed, and ten new species are described, namely Lambula brunnescens spec. nov., L. contrastata spec. nov., L. crispumcornuta spec. nov., L. flavistrigata spec. nov., L. punctilinea spec. nov., L. keilyacornuta spec. nov., L. nigromarginata spec. nov., L. palliflava spec. nov., L. ophiocornuta spec. nov. and L. supioria spec. nov.
Four taxa are synonymised: Crambidia bifasciata Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov., Macaduma umbrina Rothschild, 1915 syn. nov. and Lambula bilineata Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. are all subsumed under Lambula bilineata Bethune-Baker, 1904. Lambula pallescens De Vos, 2019 syn. nov. is synonymised with Lambula punctifer Hampson, 1900.
Adults and genitalia of all species are illustrated.
Rangkuman: Spesies Lambula dari New Guinea dengan sayap belakang berwarna polos. Spesies yang sudah dikenal dideskripsi ulang atau ditinjau kembali, dan sepuluh spesies baru dideskripsikan, yaitu Lambula brunnescens spec. nov., L. contrastata spec. nov., L. crispumcornuta spec. nov., L. flavistrigata spec. nov., L. punctilinea spec. nov., L. keilyacornuta spec. nov., L. nigromarginata spec. nov., L. palliflava spec. nov., L. ophiocornuta spec. nov. dan L. supioria spec. nov. Empat taxa bersinonim yaitu: Crambidia bifasciata Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov., Macaduma umbrina Rothschild, 1915 syn. nov. dan Lambula bilineata Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. semua dimasukan ke dalam Lambula bilineata Bethune-Baker, 1904. Lambula pallescens De Vos, 2019 syn. nov. bersinonim dengan Lambula punctifer Hampson, 1900. Tahap dewasa dan alat genitalia semua spesies dideskripsikan.
Keywords: revision, redescription, Papua Barat, Papua, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia.

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3. Stefan Schröder
A review of the genus Jamides Hübner, 1819 in Western New Guinea, Indonesia (West Papua and Papua) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

Abstract: An overview is given of all species of the genus Jamides Hübner, 1819, occurring in West Papua and Papua. All species are illustrated with the exception of Jamides minor s.l. and Jamides coritus setekwaensis Tite, 1960. Two subspecies are described as new: Jamides philatus kapaurus ssp. nov. and Jamides alecto papuana ssp. nov. Three further taxa of the bochus group are discussed in open nomenclature: Jamides nov. spec. aff. bochus (Stoll, 1782), Jamides sp. cf. seminiger richardi and Jamides sp. aff. seminiger richardi. Jamides purpurata Grose-Smith, 1894 comb. nov. is again raised to species rank, L. philatus aegithus Fruhstorfer, 1916 syn. nov. is regarded as a synonym of Jamides cyta amphissina (Grose-Smith, 1894) and Cupido (Lampides) pseudeuchylas Strand, 1911 syn. nov. is a new synonym of J. coritus coritus (Guérin-Meneville, 1831).
Several type specimens are illustrated, some for the first time and a lectotype is designated for Cupido (Lampides) pseudeuchylas. A few species found outside West Papua and Papua are illustrated for comparison. Names of synonyms are listed only for taxa described from Western New Guinea.
Rangkuman: Gambaran umum diberikan untuk semua spesies dari genus Jamides Hübner, 1819, yang terdapat di Papua Barat dan Papua. Semua spesies diilustrasikan kecuali Jamides minor s.l. dan Jamides coritus setekwaensis Tite, 1960. Dua subspesies digambarkan sebagai subspesies baru: Jamides philatus kapaurus ssp. nov. dan Jamides alecto papuana ssp. nov. Tiga taksa dari grup bochus dibahas lebih jauh dalam nomenklatur terbuka: Jamides nov. spec. aff. bochus (Stoll, 1782), Jamides sp. cf. seminiger richardi dan Jamides sp. aff. seminiger richardi. Jamides purpurata Grose-Smith, 1894 comb. nov sekali lagi dinaikkan ke level spesies, L. philatus aegithus Fruhstorfer, 1916 syn. nov dianggap sebagai sinonim dari Jamides cyta amphissina (Grose-Smith, 1894) dan Cupido (Lampides) pseudeuchylas Strand, 1911 syn. nov adalah sinonim baru dari J. coritus coritus (Guérin-Meneville, 1831). Beberapa type spesimen diilustrasikan, beberapa untuk pertama kalinya dan lectotype ditujukan untuk Cupido (Lampides) pseudeuchylas. Beberapa spesies yang ditemukan di luar Papua Barat dan Papua diilustrasikan untuk perbandingan. Nama-nama sinonim dicantumkan hanya untuk taksa yang dideskripsikan dari New Guinea Barat.
Keywords: Polyommatini, Jamides, Papua New Guinea, New Guinea, taxonomic changes

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Volume 14(2) July 2022

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Suara Serangga Papua , 14(2) July 2022

1.Rob de Vos
Genus Tigrioides Butler, 1877 does not occur in New Guinea,
a revision of the taxa concerned from New Guinea with four new genera and nine new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)

Abstract: Six species from New Guinea which previously were placed in the genus Tigrioides Butler, 1877 are transferred to five genera of which four new to science: Chionatosia gen. nov., Parapelosia Bethune-Baker, 1908, Lithopelosia gen. nov., Blavipelosia gen. nov. and Eugopelosia gen. nov. Nine species have been discovered new to science: Blavipelosia tenebris spec. nov., B. staatsi spec. nov., B. habbemaensis spec. nov., B. armata spec. nov., Eugopelosia gaedei spec. nov., E. obscura spec. nov., E. transnovaguinea spec. nov., E. milnensis spec. nov. and E. nana spec. nov.
Tigrioides costaepunctata f. inversa Gaede, 1925 is an infraspecific and therefore invalid name for what appears to be a new species: Eugopelosia gaedei spec. nov.
The species are described and the adults and genitalia depicted.
Rangkuman: Enam spesies dari New Guinea yang sebelumnya dimasukan dalam genus Tigrioides Butler, 1877 direvisi menjadi 5 genera dan 4 diantaranya baru untuk sains yaitu: Chionatosia gen. nov., Parapelosia Bethune-Baker, 1908, Lithopelosia gen. nov., Blavipelosia gen. nov. dan Eugopelosia gen. nov. Sembilan spesies ditemukan baru untuk sains yaitu: Blavipelosia tenebris spec. nov., B. staatsi spec. nov., B. habbemaensis spec. nov., B. armata spec. nov., Eugopelosia gaedei spec. nov., E. obscura spec. nov., E. transnovaguinea spec. nov., E. milnensis spec. nov. dan E. nana spec. nov. Tigrioides costaepunctata f. inversa Gaede, 1925 adalah infraspecific sehingga nama invalid terhadap spesies baru: Eugopelosia gaedei spec. nov. Spesies-spesies tersebut di deskripsi dan disertai gambar dan ilustrasi serangga dewasa dan alat kelamin (genitalia).
Keywords: Revision, transfer, new genera, new species, Papua, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea.

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2.Ximo Mengual
A new record of Calcaretropidia delmohardy Thompson, 2017
(Diptera: Syrphidae) from Australasia

Abstract: The species Calaretropidia delmohardy Thompson, 2017 (Diptera: Syrphidae) is recorded from Sulawesi for the first time. The species was described based on a single male from Sentani, Papua Province, Indonesia. A short comment on this new record and habitus images are provided.
Rangkuman: Spesies Calaretropidia delmohardy Thompson, 2017 (Diptera: Syrphidae) tercatat dari Sulawesi untuk pertama kalinya. Spesies tersebut dideskripsikan berdasarkan seekor jantan tunggal dari Sentani, Provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Sebuah komentar singkat tentang rekaman baru ini dan gambar-gambar habitus disediakan.
Key words: Syrphidae, flower flies, hoverflies, Calcaretropidia delmohardy, Sulawesi

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3. Olivier Pequin
Description of the female of Delias laknekei Miller, Simon & Wills, 2007 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Pierinae)

Abstract: Fifteen years after the discovery of Delias laknekei, hitherto known from male specimens only, the first females of Delias laknekei have been found and are described in this article.
Rangkuman: Lima belas tahun setelah penemuan Delias laknekei, hitherto yang diketahui hanya specimen jantannya, specimen betina Delias laknekei sudah ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya dan dideskripsi pada artikel ini.
Keywords: Delias laknekei, Delias lytaea, Isse group, New Ireland

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4. Frans Groenen
New species and additional data of Papuan Schoenotenini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Tortricinae)

Abstract: Schoenotenini (Tortricidae, Tortricinae) from Papua Indonesia are discussed. Rhabdotenes centrodipa spec. nov., R. prodicenta spec. nov., R. gurukana spec. nov., R. walsama spec. nov., Epitrichosma flavimberana spec. nov., Cornuticlava nipmaka spec. nov., Rhopalotenes kepalaburana spec. nov., R. hamangulana spec. nov., R. acutiangulana spec. nov., Saetotenes yadirana spec. nov., S. bicornisana spec. nov., S. griseovinculana spec. nov. and Campotenes fascirregularana spec. nov. are described here as new species. From Epitrichosma lira Diakonoff, 1972 and Stenotenes incudis Diakonoff, 1954 the female is described for the first time. Metachorista caliginosa Diakonoff, 1973, Cornuticlava aritrana Common, 1965 and Oligotenes amblygrapha Diakonoff, 1973 are recorded for the first time from Papua, Indonesia. The adults and their genitalia are illustrated.
Rangkuman: Schoenotenini (Tortricidae, Tortricinae) dari Papua, Indonesia didiskusikan pada artikel ini. Rhabdotenes centrodipa spec. nov., R. prodicenta spec. nov., R. gurukana spec. nov., R. walsama spec. nov., Epitrichosma flavimberana spec. nov., Cornuticlava nipmaka spec. nov., Rhopalotenes kepalaburana spec. nov., R. hamangulana spec. nov., R. acutiangulana spec. nov., Saetotenes yadirana spec. nov., S. bicornisana spec. nov., S. griseovinculana spec. nov. dan Campotenes fascirregularana spec. nov. dideskripsi disini sebagai spesies baru. Dari Epitrichosma lira Diakonoff, 1972 dan Stenotenes incudis Diakonoff, 1954 betina dideskripsi untuk pertama kalinya. Untuk Metachorista caliginosa Diakonoff, 1973, Cornuticlava aritrana Common, 1965 dan Oligotenes amblygrapha Diakonoff, 1973 ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya dari Papua, Indonesia. Serangga dewasa dan alat kelamin (genitalia) dideskripsikan dengan gambar.
Keywords: Papua, New Guinea, Indonesia, Oriental, Schoenotenini, new species.

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Volume 14(1) December 2021

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Suara Serangga Papua , 14(1) December 2021

1.Gerrit Withaar
Five new species of the genus Tmesisternus from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Tmesisternini)

Abstract: Five new species in the genus Tmesisternus are described, two from Papua, Indonesia, and three from Papua New Guinea: Tmesisternus yoibosa spec. nov. , T. sinecolor spec. nov. T. michaelensis spec. nov., T. versteegi spec. nov. and T. bulldogensis spec. nov. Of all species the adults are depicted and of two males the genitalia are figured.
Rangkuman: Lima spesies baru dari genus Tmesisternus dideskripsi disini, dua spesies dari Papua, Indonesia dan tiga spesies dari Papua New Guinea yaitu: Tmesisternus yoibosa spec. nov., T. sinecolor spec.nov., T. michaelensis spec. nov., T. versteegi spec. nov. dan T. bulldogensis spec. nov. Semua hewan dewasa dari semua spesies dan dua genitalia jantan dideskripsi dengan gambar.
Keywords: Longhorn beetles, Papua, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea

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