2. Frans Groenen.   The Papuan Tortricidae-Fauna (Lepidoptera): Stenotenes marmorea, a new species from centralmountain area of Papua (Tortricinae: Schoenotenini)

Abstract: From the province Papua, Indonesia a new species, Stenotenes marmorea spec. nov. is described. Until now females of the genus Stenotenes were unknown. A Stenotenes female is described here for the first time.
Rangkuman: Dari Provinsi Papua, Indonesia spesies baru, Stenotenes marmorea spec. nov., dipertelakan. Sampai sekarang betina dari genus Stenotenes belum diketahui. Suatu betina Stenotenes dideskripsi di sini untuk pertama kalinya.
Keywords: New Guinea, distribution, Jayawijaya Mts.

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Frans Groenen – Stenotenes marmorea SUGAPA 8 (4) 105-108

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