Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 4 (3) Maret 2010

3. Rob de Vos
Two new species of Hyalaethea Butler from Indonesian New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Syntominae)

Abstract: Two new remarkable and conspicuous syntomine species have been discovered in the western part of New Guinea. They appear to belong to Hyalaethea Butler, 1887. Bothspecies are described and depicted here. Besides that, a checklist is given of the Syntominae of Indonesian New Guinea as presently known, with pictures of the various species.
Rangkuman: Dua spesies baru yang menoljol dari subfamili Syntominae ditemukan di bagian barat New Guinea. Ternyata termasuk dalam Hyalaethea Butler, 1887. Kedua spesies diletakandi sini. Di samping itu checklist diberikan dari Syntominae di bagian Indonesia dari New Guinea, sesuai dengan pengetahuan sekarang, yang disertahui dengan gambar-gambarnya.
Key words: obraztsovi, attemae, Lobuliceryx novaeguinensis, Baliem Valley, Paniai.

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