SUGAPA 4(1) [2009]

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Suara Serangga Papua, 2009, 4 (1) Juli-September 2009

1. Rob de Vos
The species of the genus Monosyntaxis Swinhoe from New Guinea, with description of a new species and the transfer of another to a new genus (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae)

Abstract: The species of the genus Monosyntaxis Swinhoe, 1901 occurring in New Guinea are reviewed. Of the nine recognized Monosyntaxis species in Indo-Australia only three are known from New Guinea. One of these is a new species which is recently discovered, Monosyntaxis bimaculata spec. nov. from the Foja Mountains, and is described here. Chrysaeglia samoana Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. is synonymized with Chrysaeglia samoensis Rebel, 1915, which morphologically belongs to em>Monosyntaxis. Oeonistis metalleseens Rothschild, 1912, which was previously supposed to belong to Monosyntaxis turned out to belong to another new genus and is transferred to Papuasyntaxis gen. nov. The adults and the genitalia of all New Guinea species are depicted.
Rangkuman: Spesies-spesies dari genus Monosyntaxis Swinhoe, 1901 yang ada di New Guinea direvisi. Dari sembilan spesies Monosyntaxis di Indo-Australia hanya tiga diketahui dari New Guinea. Satu di antaranya baru-baru ini ditemukan, Monosyntaxis bimaculata spec. nov.dari Pegunungan Foja, dan diletakkan di sini. Chrysaeglia samoana Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. dinyatakan sinonim dengan Chrysaeglia samoensis Rebel, 1915, yang secara morfologis termasuk Monosyntaxis. Oeonistis metallescens Rothschild, 1912, yang sebelumnya dianggap termasuk dalam Monosyntaxis ternyata termasuk dalam suatu genus yang baru dan dipindahkan ke dalam Papuasyntaxis gen. nov. Gambar-gambar dari imago dan genitalia dari semua New Guinea spesies disajikan.
Keywords: Papuasyntaxis, Chrysaeglia, Oeonistis, gen. nov., spec. nov., Foja Mountains.
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