9. Vadim Voitsekhovskii.
A new species of the genus Mulciber (Thomson, 1864) from West Papua, Indonesia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)

Abstract: A new species in the genus Mulciber Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) has been discovered in West Papua, Indonesia. Mulciber devosi spec. nov. is described and figured and compared with the allied M. linnei Thomson, 1864.
Rangkuman: Spesies baru dari genus Mulciber Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) ditemukan di Provinsi Papua Barat, Indonesia. Mulciber devosi spec. nov. dideskripsi dengan gambar dan dibandingkan dengan spesies yang sekerabat M. linnei Thomson, 1864. [translation by Daawia Suhartawan]
Keywords: long-horn beetles, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Mulciber, taxonomy, Misool island, West Papua, Indonesia

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