2. Rob de Vos.
Three new Arctiinae species from Lake Habbema (Lorentz National Park) in Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Erebidae)

Abstract: Three new Arctiinae (Erebidae) from Lake Habbema (Lorentz National Park), Papua, Indonesia, are described of previous already revised genera: Spilosoma renateae spec. nov., Oeonosia lorentz spec. nov. and Cyana (Cryptanaema) habbema spec. nov. The species are compared with allied species and imagines and genitalia are depicted.
Rangkuman: Tiga spesies baru Arctiinae (Erebidae) dari Danau Habbema (Taman Nasional Lorentz), Papua, Indonesia dideskripsi dari Genera yang telah direvisi sebelumnya: Spilosoma renateae spec. nov., Oeonosia lorentz spec. nov dan Cyana (Cryptanaema) habbema spec. nov. Spesies-spesies ini dibandingkan dengan spesies sekerabat, gambar dan alat kelamin (genitalia) dibuat deskripsinya.
Keywords: Spilosoma, Oeonosia, Cyana, new species, Lake Habbema, New Guinea

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