2. János Oláh & Peter Jan André de Vries.
On the Trichoptera of the Cyclops Mountains (Papua, Indonesia)

Abstract: Biodiversity research is badly limited by the present devastated state of the western taxonomy. In this paper we have tested the “virginity ratio”: how many undescribed and described species are present in a sample collected during a single evening in the Cyclops Nature Reserve, Papua, Indonesia. We have recorded seven known species: Chimarra cyclopica Kimmins, 1962, C. sinuosa Kimmins, 1962, Ecnomus cyclopicus Kimmins, 1962, Diplectrona semes Oláh & Mey, 2013, Hydropsyche flintorum Oláh & Johanson, 2008, Agapetus latosus Ross, 1951, Anisocentropus immunis MachLachlan, 1863 and nineteen unknown species described here: Chimarra aikei spec. nov., C. davidi spec. nov., C. josieae spec. nov., C. hendriki spec. nov., C. mendii spec. nov., C. befordula spec. nov., Cheumatopsyche kitera spec. nov., Abacaria kimera spec. nov., Hydropsyche simala spec. nov., H. tompula spec. nov., Baliomorpha maninae spec. nov., Agapetus villas spec. nov., A. hullamos spec. nov., A. picin spec. nov., A. tus spec. nov., Anisocentropus cyclopicus spec. nov., Oecetis josievriesae spec. nov., Triaenodes aikevriesi spec. nov. and T. davidvriesi spec. nov. We have described three more new species as misidentifications from other Papuan regions: Hydropsyche kasimiri spec. nov., H. nakala spec. nov. and Agapetus ives spec. nov.
All new species are described and habitus and genitalia are depicted.
Rangkuman: Pada saat ini ilmu taksonomi di daerah Barat adalah dalam situasi buruk. Situasi buruk ini sangat membatasi penelitian keanekaragaman hayati. Di publikasi ini kami menguji “virginity ratio”: jumlah spesies yang belum dikenal dibandingkan dengan jumlah spesies yang sudah diketahui, dalam sampel yang dikoleksi pada satu malam di Cyclops Nature Reserve, Papua, Indonesia. Kami ketemu tujuh spesies yang sudah diketahui: Chimarra cyclopica Kimmins, 1962, C. sinuosa Kimmins, 1962, Ecnomus cyclopicus Kimmins, 1962, Diplectrona semes Oláh & Mey, 2013, Hydropsyche flintorum Oláh & Johanson, 2008, Agapetus latosus Ross, 1951, Anisocentropus immunis MachLachlan, 1863 ; dan sembilanbelas spesies baru yang deletakan disini: Chimarra aikei spec. nov., C. davidi spec. nov., C. josieae spec. nov., C. hendriki spec. nov., C. mendii spec. nov., C. befordula spec. nov., Cheumatopsyche kitera spec. nov., Abacaria kimera spec. nov., Hydropsyche simala spec. nov., H. tompula spec. nov., Baliomorpha maninae spec. nov., Agapetus villas spec. nov., A. hullamos spec. nov., A. picin spec. nov., A. tus spec. nov., Anisocentropus cyclopicus spec. nov., Oecetis josievriesae spec. nov., Triaenodes aikevriesi spec. nov. danT. davidvriesi spec. nov. Kami juga letakan tiga spesies dari daerah lain di Papua yang sebelumnya salah identifikasi: Hydropsyche kasimiri spec. nov., H. nakala spec. nov. dan Agapetus ives spec. nov. Semua spesies baru diletakan disini serta gambar lingkungan hidupnya dan gambar genetalianya.
Keywords: Virginity ratio of biodiversity, Trichoptera, new species, New Guinea, Cyclops Mts.

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