5. Matteo Grasso.
Three new species of Eupholus Boisduval (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) from West New Guinea

Abstract: Three new species of the genus Eupholus Boisduval 1835 from West New Guinea are described: Eupholus faisali spec. nov., E. bortolussii spec. nov. and E. casadioi spec. nov. The adults and genitalia are depicted.
Rangkuman: Tiga spesies baru genus Eupholus Boisduval 1835 dari New Guinea Barat diletakan: Eupholus faisali spec. nov., E. bortolussii spec. nov. dan E. casadioi spec. nov. Gambar spesies serta gambar genetalianya disajikan.
Keywords: West New Guinea, Eupholus, new species

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