SUGAPA 8(1) [2013]

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Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 8 (1) Juli – September 2013

1. Stefan Naumann
Notes on the genus Pararhodia Cockerell, 1914 with description of two new species from mainland of New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)

Abstract: A short overview of the history and the so far described taxa within the solely Papuan genus Pararhodia is given and potential synonymies are discussed briefly. P.acuminalba stat. nov. van Eecke, 1924 is raised to species level. Two taxa are described as new to science: P.hiltrautae spec. nov. from Arfak Mts, West Papua Provo in the Indonesian part of NG and P.ulrichi spec. nov. from the Southwestern parts of Papua New Guinea, with colour pictures and a map. Finally, an updated checklist for the genus Pararhodia is presented.
Rangkuman: Gambaran pendek r,jisajikan tentang sejarah dan takson-takson yang dipertelakan sampai sekarang dari genus Pararhodia yang endemik di Papua; nama-nama yang mungkin sinonim didiskusi. P.acuminalba stat. nov. van Eecke, 1924 ditingkat menjadi spesis penuh. Dua takson dipertelakan: P.hiltrautae spec. nov. dari Pegunungan Arfak, Provo Papua Barat, Indonesia and P.ulrichi spec. nov. dari bagian barat daya Papua New Guinea, termasuk peta dan gambar berwarna. Akhirnya, checklist aktual genus Pararhodia disajikan.
Key-words: new status, checklist, Indonesia, Papua Prov.,West Papua Prov., Papua New Guinea.
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Stefan Naumann – Pararhodia SUGAPA 8(1) [2013]

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