4. Rob de Vos, Daawia Suhartawan & Erlani Rahareng
A faunistic orientation visit in 2015 in the unexplored Kumawa Nature Reserve, South Bomberai Peninsula, Papua Barat, Indonesia (Lepidoptera)

Abstract: A report is given on a short visit in 2015 to Kumawa Nature Reserve, Buruway district, in the Southwest of Papua Barat. The area is characterized by pristine lowland rainforest with much wildlife, plants and animals. A list of the encountered Lepidoptera is presented and some interesting species are discussed.
Rangkuman: Sebuah laporan disampaikan pada sebuah kunjungan singkat pada tahun 2015 ke Cagar Alam Kumawa (Kumawa Nature Reserve), Distrik Buruway, di Barat Daya Provinsi Papua Barat. Kawasan ini dicirikan dengan hutan hujan dataran rendah yang masih primitif dengan banyak kehidupan liar, flora dan fauna. Daftar Lepidoptera yang ditemukan disajikan dan beberapa spesies menarik didiskusikan.
Keywords: Kumawa Mountains, Buruway district, Fyria river, orchids, Lepidoptera, nature reserve

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4-Rob de Vos et al. – A faunistic orientation visit in 2015 in the unexplored Buruway district [SUGAPA digital 10(2)]

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